Sarah Abercrombie, MSEd, NPT

Academic Interventionist
ADHD & Executive Functioning Coach
Neuropsychotherapy Certified, NPT
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Coach
Educator & Parent Workshop Provider
Step Up For Students Approved Scholarship Provider
I look forward to helping your child embrace challenges, feel powerful, and enjoy more positive, rewarding relationships.

* Director of Student Services for the Thinking Center of Sarasota, 5 years
* Teacher & Interventionist, 25 years
* ADHD/Executive Functions Coach, 20 years
* Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Coach
* Parent & Educator Workshop Presenter
Education and Certifications
I pride myself in being a life-long learner. I take on average 2 graduate classes a year and work hard to keep current on latest research.
* Bachelors of Arts, Child Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
* Masters of Science, Elementary Education, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA
* Certified in Neuropsychotherapy
* Licensed FL Teacher
* Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Coach
* Certified Executive Functions Coach
* Certified Mindfulness Coach
Membership Affiliations
* Step Up For Students, Family Empowerment Scholarship
* CHADD, Children and Adults with ADD
* ADDA, Attention Deficit Disorder Association
* ADDitude, ADHD Support Association
* International Literacy Association
My Story
About 25 years ago, after a wonderful career as a family systems counselor and having earned my Master of Science in Education, I was the single mother of an amazing son. He had just been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Oppositional Defiant Disorde and,despite his exceptionally high IQ, was failing third grade. I threw myself into researching his learning disabilities in order to find those hidden pathways which would enable him to learn. Although the consensus of many well-meaning professionals was that my son would never be successful in school, I saw things differently. I made sure that we both understood his unique learning styles so thoroughly that together we were able to uncover ways for him to learn. We tried, and failed, to learn as many strategies as we could, until we found one that worked. My son proceeded to earn a BA in History as a Presidential Scholar, Summa Cum Laude, from Slippery Rock University's Honors Program. He earned a MA in International Relations with Distinction (the English version of Summa Cum Laude).from Bristol University Graduate School in England.
As a classroom teacher, Learning Specialist, CBT and ADHD Coach, and Workshop Presenter, I have spent over 25 years helping children discover their hidden strengths and assuring them, and their families, that every child is capable of achieving amazing things.
How I Can Help
It is my job to incorporate my knowledge and understanding gained as a counselor, classroom teacher, Cognitive Behavior and ADHD Coach, and parent to help your child reach his or her hidden potential and achieve amazing things.
Your child will become empowered and feel capable, as he or she learns new strategies to replace ineffective ones.

children’s behavioral health
Contact Information
I look forward to hearing your hopes and dreams for your child and discussing how I can help. There will be no charge for this conversation.
Achieving Kids, LLC
St Augustine, Florida
Phone: (412) 926-3760
Email: achievingkid@gmail.com